Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 3

Street corner in Kondoa

Mecc@'s Working Class

Mecc@ is the sp!r!tual centre of the Isl@mic world. The rel!g!ous sites participated in by the pilgrims make Moha@mmed's teaching and activities more real. Each day millions of Ms turn toward Mecc@ five times each day during their daily p-ayers. Thousands of people work in the Mecc@ managing, maintaining and cleaning hotels, working in restaurants, transporting food, selling food, working as guides selling gold jewellery and souvenirs. Many more work in the transportation industry driving buses and taxis. The banking industry is important as well because the millions of pilgrims who arrive in the region need cash. All types of public health actives (doctors, nurses, inspectors, ambulance personnel and trash pick-up workers) are present trying to assure good health and safety for the millions of visitors. In recent years the construction industry has been transforming the area around the Grand Mosq and the Kaaba in order to receive even more pilgrims. People who come to C in Mecc@ are rare but some have been known to find the L in this city of 1.7 million people.

  • Use Rev. 4:11 & 5:4-14 to declare that J is worthy to be worshiped by the people of Mecc@ (from the lowest labourer to the princes of the Saudi royal family).

  • P-ry for friendships, dreams, visions, Internet, print and media exposure to multiply the gospel to the many workers listed above (cite them by name).

  • P-ay for new bel!evers to be well integrated into bel!ev!ing communities.

  • P-ay for the Rangi

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