Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 30

There is much confusion in C circles these days about I. On the one hand, testimonies of the persecution of Cs, violence and discrimination keep pouring out of countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and others. The move to ban the full-face veil in several countries in Europe also conflates extreme versions of I law (Sharia) with I and Ms in general. On the other hand, the slogan "I is a religion of peace" appears in the secular media alongside report of new terrorism plots of al-Qaeda and associates. Where is the truth?
The truth is, I history reveals a lot more complexity then Ms themselves recognise. I law, which only appeared gradually in the third century after Mohammad's death, was developed over time by at least six schools, with significant disagreements among them. This was "applied jurisprudence", with the the term "Sharia" usually referring to G*d's ideal blueprint for a godly human society as drawn from the Qur'an and the Example (Sunna) of the Prophet. Precious few texts, however, touched on what we would call "constitutional law" today. In practice, from the early caliphates to the many little kingdoms that arouse on the fringes of empires, to the last great empire of the Ottomans, the history of M societies can be summarised in the ongoing tug-of-war between the legal specialists and the political rulers. More often than not, they were at odds.
Today, M nations are all modern nations-states, signatories to UN conventions now considered as "international law." A majority of them are authoritarian. Yet, according to the landmark Gallup Pol conducted between 2001 and 2007 in 35 M countries, a vast majority of Ms consider I and democracy, gender equality and freedom of speech as the keys to a peaceful and prosperous society. They just don't agree with the way these values are modelled in the West; they prefer to apply them according to their own traditions.

  • P-ay Rangi Ms will meet Chr!st!ans who will reflect the life and love of the Mess!ah to them. Col 4:3 Ps 9:20

  • P-ay for Rangi, who are 93% Ms.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 29

"He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd..." (Mark 6:34)

Who are the Shi"as (Shi'ites)?

The first three caliphas (successors) of Mohammed were chosen from the larger M community. The fourth one was Ali, Mohammed's nephew and son-in-law who had been married to Mohammed's daughter Fatima many years before. Ali was able to maintain his position briefly before he was murdered in AD 661. The Shi'as believe that the rightful rulers of the M community worldwide were actually Ali and his eleven descendants through Mohanned's grandson Hussein, who died as a martyr in Iraq in AD 680. A majority of Shi'as believe that Hussein's line of succession continued till his descendant Mohammed al-Mahdi, the twelfth "rightly guided Imam," mysteriously disappeared beginning in AD 874 at the age of five. He was supposedly accessible to certain people till AD 941. After that the Shi'a hope for ruling the M community was totally transferred to the unseen world from which a hidden spiritual guide-called the Hidden Imam (leader) of Mahdi (the one who guides), will eventually return.

  • Worship the L in song. Proclaim J sovereignty to the ends of the earth using Psalm 72:5-8, 12-14.

  • P-ay for open doors into the lives of the Tanzanians on order that believers might find opportunities to share J with them.

  • P-ay for workers among the Ms.

Day 28

Cultural Differences
In the West, young people are free to act as spontaneously as they want, as long as they are within the framework of right and wrong. They can be loud, boisterous and happy as long as they don't break things or abuse others. The rule in the West is "As long as you don't hurt someone else or their property, you are generally OK."
Young people in a M setting are different. Wherever they go, they represent their families and tries. Young people are not free to act as they want. They must always act honourable so that the honor of their family and tribe is upheld. If they damage someone else's property, it is bad because it brings shame on their own people. Not primarily because if offends the victim. If no one knows who did it, there is no shame, or feeling of guilt. They feel guilt for bringing shame on their own people, but not for offending a third party.

  • P-ay for closer contact between believers and Ms so that they can learn of the love of G*d and hear clear testimonies of Tanzanians who have come to J.

  • P-ay for love, authority, and effective witness of the believers. Motivated believers are especially needed to reach out to the second and third generations of Ms.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 27

Most Ms have internalized the ideals of human rights and democracy, however, they have also become more religious and conservative at the same time.

Love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. These qualities are essential to reach Ms with the message of the Mess!ah.

Caring, genuine hospitality may have more to do with helping a M discover the Mess!ah than many logical proofs and arguments.

" every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him." Acts 10:35.

P-ay for the Rangi

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 26 Three generations of Rangi women

Night of Power
Tonight in mosques all over the M world millions of people will be p-aying asking for G*d's help. The so called "Night of Power" is a special night. Ms believe that Mohammed received the Qur"an during the later part of Ramadan. The Night of Power commemorates this event. Ms will do various religious activities during this night but many make special requests of G*d. Some Ms rise well before dawn to make their requests, other pass much of the night in p-ayer. They are encouraged to ask Allah with sincerity and conviction for anything and everything they need that is religiously permitted.

Without doubt some people around the world will be seeking G*d's help for employment issues, marriages, the ability to have a child and other things. However, Ms worldwide need help with their handicapped relatives. Many of the most difficult cases among the young and old find themselves rejected, hidden, abandoned and abused. Their social stigma is great because they are considered "the cursed of G*d." Families often hide them, tie those with mental disabilities up in back rooms or send them away to state-run institutions. Many institutions are over-crowded and unable to properly care for the needy ones.

We can certainly pray for people in many nations tonight, may G*d guide you. Many seek the L all night.

Day 25

P-ay with faith in G*d, the one who keeps promises.
P-ay with hope for a better future for Ms.
P-ay with the love that enabled J to endure the cross.
"I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of p-ayer.Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My alter; for My house will be called a house of p-ayer for all the peoples." Isaiah 56:7

  • When we p-ay for the Rangi, let us try to see its people from G*d's perspective.

  • P-ay for the youth, the leaders of tomorrow.

  • P-ay for women, who are second class citizens and have little or not rights.

  • P-ay in faith; that our prayers are being answered. (Eph 3:18, John 14:13, 2 Peter 3:9)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 24

(Sorry about the lateness of day 23, we were without electricity for 20 hours yesterday. It didn't come back on until after 8:00 pm last night, so-o-o I just updated it this morning!)

  • Worship the L, proclaim the truths of Isaiah 66:18-23 in prayer. May G*d open doors for many Tanzanians to proclaim His glory among the nations.

  • For G*d to open the hearts of the Rangi to hear of His love for all people.

  • For the many other nationalities who come to Kondoa and for us to have opportunities to share J with them (i.e. Peace Corp, visitors, Dutch doctors, Swedish students.)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dat 23

Who is J C to the Rangi?
5-10% Bel!eve J is the S*n of G*d and are nominally Chr!st!ans
1% Bel!eve in the S*n of G*d and have accepted him as their S
90% Bel!eve J is a prophet, teacher, a good man, but not G*d's S
10% Bel!eve in local, traditional religion
0% Have never heard His name.

Proclaim the truths of John 10:10-16 in p-ayer concerning the Rangi People.

P-ay for the few believers who live in the area can be true witnesses for the M. May they live lives which are truly worthy of the L. Col 1:9-12)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 22

A Mosque in Kondoa town
The Rangi are naturally suspicious of outsiders, even to the extent that they mistrust Rangi from other areas. The Rangi are regarded as rude and aggressive by all their neighbors. This tension is resolved by the neighbors' moving away. The Rangi are highly opportunistic and adopted the religion and customs of outsiders when the relationship was preceived to be economically beneficial to do so. (Ex: M Swahili traders from the coast and Italian Catholic priests).

  • As young people think about their future, may they find their G*d-given purpose in J, the Mess!ah. P-ay for more workers in the harvest among the young people.

  • The absence of fathers who work in other parts of Tanzania and elsewhere is making its impact on the foundations of the youth (Prov. 1:8, 3:12, 4:1, Eph 6:4, Psalms 68:5, 27:10).

  • P-ay for strong disciples to be made and that they in turn might be prepared to lead others into the family of faith.

J spoke of the G*spel being proclaimed to the "ends of the earth." Sometimes we think that Kondoa is there or pretty close.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 21

The Rangi are mainly farmers and grow cash crops such as: sunflower seeds (for oil), millet, beans, lentils, peas, and onions.
Other goods are furniture, wooden crockery and cutlery, ropes and other useful household items and embroidered caps. They also have farm animals: predominately cattle, goats and chickens. Many Rangi are also vendors in the marketplaces.
Only about 2% of the population hold salaried (government) positions. The majority of all other income comes from small businesses (shops) and transportation of cargo. Cash crops also give some income, but this is notoriously unreliable due to their dependence on rain.

  • Ask G*d to open the hearts of Ms in Tanzania

  • P-ay for the translation and printing of quality C literature for Rangi-speaking Ms and new believers learning to walk with the Mess!@h.

  • P-ay for unity, vision and wisdom for leaders throughout Tanzania to take the gospel to Ms in Tanzania-making d!sc!ples of them in such a way that they are encouraged, enabled and equipped to do the same.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 20

The Rangi are predominantly M. Only a small percentage have been affected by Christian influence as represented by the Roman Catholic Church. Protestant churches have had little success among the Rangi despite a large number of outside pastors and evangelists. Members of the Protestant churches are outsiders, government or business people who work in this area. Although the Rangi have no official followers of the local traditional religion, many of those beliefs have been incorporated into the present day religions. Reports of witchcraft among these people are common, and sometimes people from other parts of the country fear to move into the area for that reason.

  • P-ay for bel!evers to open up their hears to their M neighbors and to be a blessing to them in practical, concrete ways.

  • P-ay for more divine encounters to occur among the Rangi (see Acts 10:17-48).

  • P-ay for bel!evers to be courageous while extending the hand of fellowship and assistance to new people (it can be risky).

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 19

The Rangi believe that their ancestors traveled southward through the Rift Valley passing through Ethiopia and Kenya. The Rangi were water diviners, and as they traveled they were continually searching for permanent water sources. Tradition says that after moving to Tanzania they continued south until they came to a place called Haubi. This was a place where the "water did not go out." This became the new land of the Rangi, and Haubi is well know today as the place where the Rangi people have originated. It is situated near a small lake and supplies much of the fruit for the region.

  • Fridays are the main day for p-ayers.

  • P-ay for Rangi leaders to really meet the l!v!ng God. The economic, social and sp!r!tual barriers are significant (you might p-ay based on Acts 13:4-12)

  • P-ay for Ms that will be gathering for the regular Friday p-ayers today.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 18

The Rangi are farmers, their principal crops being maize and millet. They live in northcentral Tanzania surrounded by scrub forest. Despite the wild vegetation, their land has suffered from massive erosion. Terrain surrounding the villages is rugged and hilly with small rivers that render many of the roads impassable during the rainy season. During the dry season the rivers dry up and people have to dig for water.

  • As the L to give wisdom and favour to bel!evers going among the Rangi.

  • P-ay for G*d's wisdom and authority in dealing with sp!r!tual forces that have kept the people bound for generations (1 Cor 1:30;2 Cor 10:4)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 17

  • May G*d make Himself known! (Luke 10:21-24)

  • WorshipG*d, Proclaim Psalm 97:1 over the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia where many Ms live.

  • Ask G*d to open doors of opportunity for the Good News sto be seen, heard and demonstrated among the people of Tanzania. (Mark 16:15-19)

  • P-ay for the Rangi people to have opportunities to read the Scr!ptures, see the J films and interact with believers in their langauge.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 16

Kindness: The kindness of G*d leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4)

  • P-ay for the many M countries (Libya, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia) that they may find peace in the Mess!ah.

  • P-ay against corruption and that countries might be better administered in the future (Ex 23:8, Deut. 16:19)

  • P-ay for people to meet real Chr!st!ans who testify to their faith (Acts 8:26-39)

  • P-ay for effective media aids in these countries to help many find faith. G*s is revealing himself!

  • P-ay for the HS to reveal truth to all Ms despite all their misconceptions and difficulties.

  • P-ay for the Rangi.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 15

  • W*rship the L our provider, Jehovah Jireh (Gen. 22:14) Pray against the spirit of materialism that permeates the lives of Tanzanians. Ask the Lord ot reveal Himself as the Perfect Provider.

  • Pray that G*d would move supernaturally among the Rangi of Tanzania. P-ay that they would receive dreams and visions of the L!v!nig G*d.

  • Ask the L of the harvest for more workers to come and live amongst the Rangi in Tanzania. P-ay for wisdom for the leaders and that the right people would join the work.

  • P-ay for G*d's wisdom on how we might reach out to the Rangi people in Kondoa.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 14

Ms by Continent:
Africa 429 million
Middle East 250 million
Asia 800 million
Europe 44 million
(Russia included)
Americas 5 million
Total 1.5 billion

"And to Him was given dominion , glory and a kingdom, that all the people, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away..." (Daniel &:14)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 13

P-ay for the leaders of Tanzania that they may discover the life that is only in J (John 1:9-14; 1 John 1:4) These men and women need to discover G*d's plan to really bless the world through Abraham's seed. (Gal 2:13-14 & 26-29)
P-ay that the light of G*d would come among them. May they discover the Mess!ah. J is the only one who can ultimately fulfill their aspirations of a just world ruled by the true G*d of Abraham. (Is 65:17 & 2 Peter 3:13)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Farmer's Expo

Well, we successfully completed another Farmer's Expo. We had over 160 people sign our guest book, gave over 500 pamphlets on the biogas generator and close to 200 tracts or scripture portions. It was a long 8 days, the wind blows all the time and there is so much dust and dirt. We were glad to get home again on the 9th. Here Terry show the biogas to two Massai men and another man from Dodoma. We had lots of problems with the gas, but everyone seemed very impressed. It always gives us a good name among the Rangi. Terry was interview on television and seen all around the country. Continue to p-ay that G*d would use this, the grain storage and cookbooks to reach those for Him.

Day 12

The five pillars of I
The I religion is lived out according to five main "pillars" which are obligatory religious practices for all adult Ms:
1) Reciting the creed (Shahada) "there is no G*d but A and Moham is his prophet".
2) P-ayer (salat)-five times each day.
3) Alms giving (zakat) - both obligatory and voluntary giving to the poor.
4) Fasting (saum) - especially during the month of Ramadan.
5) Pilgrimage (hajj) - at least once in a lifetime to Mecca know as the hajj.
Some Ms add a sixth pillar:
6) Jihad: the struggle to propagate the faith of Is throughout the world, either by force of arms or by actively seeing to propagate the faith by word and deed.
P-ay for the Rangi

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 11 Why p-ay for Ms?

"Worthy are You...for you were slain, and purchased for G*d with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation." Rev.5:9
This is why we are p-aying:
1) Ms think of J as a great prophet who preached an earlier form of Is. They believe that J is G*d's Mess!ah, based on the Q texts, but they usually have no idea that actually means that J is G*d's anointed King and Sav for all humanity.
2) Ms generally believe that they can earn G*d's approval through religious activities (p-ayers, fasting, giving money).
3) Ms do not think they can know G*d. They only think that they can know about Him.
"...for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of G*d." Hebrews 12:2
Answer: ...because He shed His blood.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 10

Terry shows the biogas generator to a member of Parliament from Kondoa.
Isl@mic Beliefs
1) One G*d, the Creator of all things
2) Angels and evil spirits
3)Prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, J, Moham)
4) Moham, the last and greatest prophet
5) H0ly books: The Torah, Zabur (Psalms), Injil (G*spel) and the Qur"an
6) The Day of Judgement for all people.
7)The B has been corrupted and modified by Jews and Chr!st!ans.

Only G*d can soften the hearts of the Ms, p-ay for His will in all that we do.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 9

According to Ms Isl@m began with the very first human beings, Adam and Eve, who were supposed to submit themselves to G*D. The world Isl@m means submission. Ms believe that Abraham, Moses, David & J were all prophets of I. Many Ms even believe that Adam built the original Beit Allah (house of G*d) in Mecca, the Kaaba. This stone structure, covered with a black cloth, has existed for a very long time. It existed even during the life of the most famous M, M0h@mmed.

1) P-ay for the many people who came by the farmer's expo this past 8 days and took scr!pture portions or tracts.

2) Nan made a cook book and there are about 15 recipes in it, but the last 6 or 7 pages have scr!ptures portions and also the plan of Salv. We sold the cook books for the cost to print them and many Ms bought the cook book. P-ay for His word to penetrate the hearts of the lost.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 8

J in the Qur'an
You can find out more about the Islam!c perspective on J by reading about him in the Q. Various chapters (suras) and verses are indicated below. J is usually referred to in the Q by the name of Isa. Various titles, roles and activities are attributed to J. Here are a few examples:
1) J is the word of G*d: sura:3:45, 5:46, 110 and 57:27
2) J is the Mess!ah: sura 3:45;4:171;5:17, 72, 75
3)Prophet or a Messenger from G*d: sura:3:49;6:85;19:30;57:27
4)Raised the dead and healed the sick: sura: 3:49;5:110
5)Pure,sinless: sura 19:19
Even if the Q ideas listed above are the same or similar to B!bl!cal ideas, Ms never think of J as being divine or as saving us through his death and resurrection. They think of him as a prophet who brought a book called the "G*spel".
P-ay for the Rangi.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 7

G*d is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all me by raising Him from the dead." Acts 17:31

1) Search your own heart concerning 9/11. Has the event made you bitter, prejudiced and angry toward Ms in general because of this attack? Hebrews 12:15

2) P-ay for members of the M community that have suffered prejudice and abuse simply for being Ms as a result of the attacks.

3) Remember that there is a sp!r!tual battle in the heavens for the s of the many Ms world wide, who are very much in the hands of the enemy. They need deliverance from the guilt and shame of S!n, from the power of death and from fear of the evil one. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, and against the world forces of this darkness, against the sp!r!tual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" Ep 6:12.

4) P-ay for Ms to discover the truth about the Mess!ah, J through friendships with B, through supernatural intervention, and traditional radio, television, Internet, books, tracts, DVDs and the B.

5) P-ay for the Rangi.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 6

The Rangi are very suspicious of strangers/outsiders and we must go slowly building relationships. We thank G*d for those relationships that he has allowed us to build during this first two years in Kondoa.

1) Worship the L as the only true Delieverer from the power of sin, death and demons. Proclaim J as the true L of the Rangi

2) Pray that the Rangi would extend favour to those who bring the G*spel.

3) Ask the L to raise up labourers who can effectively deal with the sp!r!tual forces at work in the Rangi area. (Mark 6:13, Acts 10:38)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 5

  • The M world is in great turmoil, massive demonstrations are still taking place in many countries. The anointed King on Zion's hill reigns (Ps 2).Who knows how He may guide the future?

  • a)Worship the Mess!ah who delivers us from the guilt and power of sin. One day he will free us even from the presence of sin. The Mess!ah delivers us from the power of death, we shall rise again with bodies which will never die. The Mess!ah is opposed to all corruption, oppression and injustice. He has over come the evil on and the attitudes, values and ways of this world.

b) P-ay for the Rangi of Tanzania.

c)Ms acknowledge J as the Mess!ah without realising what that means or that he gives true freedom through his death and resurrection. P-ay for many to meet the Mess!ah

d) P-ay for protection, encouragement and empowering of believers who work and live among Ms during this time of turmoil.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 4

Worship G*d, the L of Tanzania. Read the Mess!an!c Psalm 72:1-20. Proclaim G*d's sovereignty over the hills of the Rangi and the Rangi people. P-ay for the revelation of the Mess!ah among them and for their salv@tion. See verse 9: "let the nomads of the desert bow before him, and his enemies lick the dust." P-ay for at least one bel!ever this year among the Rangi. This is an unreached people group.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 3

Street corner in Kondoa

Mecc@'s Working Class

Mecc@ is the sp!r!tual centre of the Isl@mic world. The rel!g!ous sites participated in by the pilgrims make Moha@mmed's teaching and activities more real. Each day millions of Ms turn toward Mecc@ five times each day during their daily p-ayers. Thousands of people work in the Mecc@ managing, maintaining and cleaning hotels, working in restaurants, transporting food, selling food, working as guides selling gold jewellery and souvenirs. Many more work in the transportation industry driving buses and taxis. The banking industry is important as well because the millions of pilgrims who arrive in the region need cash. All types of public health actives (doctors, nurses, inspectors, ambulance personnel and trash pick-up workers) are present trying to assure good health and safety for the millions of visitors. In recent years the construction industry has been transforming the area around the Grand Mosq and the Kaaba in order to receive even more pilgrims. People who come to C in Mecc@ are rare but some have been known to find the L in this city of 1.7 million people.

  • Use Rev. 4:11 & 5:4-14 to declare that J is worthy to be worshiped by the people of Mecc@ (from the lowest labourer to the princes of the Saudi royal family).

  • P-ry for friendships, dreams, visions, Internet, print and media exposure to multiply the gospel to the many workers listed above (cite them by name).

  • P-ay for new bel!evers to be well integrated into bel!ev!ing communities.

  • P-ay for the Rangi

Day 3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day Two Sp!r!tual Realities

Continue p-aying along the same lines as yesterday it is important to lay a good foundation for the remaining 28 days.

  • Remember your sp!r!tual identity. We are the children of G*d by the blood of the Mess!ah. We serve the one who has all authority in heaven & on earth. Proclaim these truths in worsh!p. P-ay for the following subjects for yourself and Ms.

  • Where there is bitterness--meekness: P-ay "L, remove all bitterness from my attitudes concerning Ms. Help Ms deal with any bitterness in their own hearts." Eph 3:43; Heb12:15

  • Where there is fear/intimidation--love: P-ay, "L, help us overcome fear. Your love casts out fear. Help me to live that way." Ms often live in fear of others, fear of evil sp!r!ts and fear of death. 1 John 4:18; 2 Tim 1:7

  • Where there is lust--purity: We and all Ms need to escape the corruption which is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4; 1 John 2:16 Ms are not free from pornography and covetousness. Knowing that we are also tempted, pray for yourself and for them.

  • Where there is violence--peace: Many Ms really do not like the violence that they see in some aspect of Is@m Many reject it and refuse to live in that manner. P-ay for them to know the way of peace. May G*d help us as believers to not be sources of violence and hateful attitudes toward Ms. Mt 5:9; Luke 1:78 and 10:5-6; Romans 3:17

Nacima, whose family comes from an Algerian Kabyle background, was born and grew up in France. Her mother had some conservative and folk Isl@mic beliefs but her father was more open. Nacima learned from her mother that G*d exists but even so she lived with the fear of death.

Despite the very positive aspects of her family life, school and sports, Nacima found emptiness in her soul. At the age of 18 while in the university she and her friends explored questions like "why am I on this earth? Does my live have meaning? What happens after death?" However she did not hear anyone speaking about J as being more than a historical figure. Even after two years of university studies it was clear to Nacima that G*d exists but she still did not have a real faith. The during the following summer Nacima heard of J in a new way. While visiting her family in Algeria for two weeks her older sister told her how J had transformed her life. Nacima saw that G*d's love was manifested through the Mess!ah, J. In late July Nacima realized the depth of her personal sinfulness. With the help of her sister and the HS she discovered the true light. Nacima believed that J died and rose for her and faith took root in her heart. Death had been defeated by Js resurrection and Nacima's fear of death was overcome. She found her reason for living, it was to the the one who gave His life for her.

Monday, August 1, 2011

First day of the Farmer's Expo

Today began the Farmer's Expo. Here Terry is talking about the biogas generator. It was a slow day, being a Monday, but towards the end of the week it should really pick up. The President of Tanzania kicked off the week (we didn't see him) and people were still setting up even as late at 6:00 pm when we left. We will try and show you pictures each day of what we are doing. Please p-ay for us to communicate clearly in our testimonies.

Sp!r!tual Realities Day 1

J has called his followers to be lights of the world of darkness. Like all other peoples around the world Ms have to deal with evil, invisible sp!r!tual realities which are manifested in various ways rel!g!ously and culturally.These negative sp!r!tual realities are influencing and dominating Is@mic civilization as well as Western & Eastern civilizations in general (1 John 5:19)
"I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyfuly in My house of p-ayer. Their brunt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My alter; for My house will be called a house of p-ayer for all the peoples." Isaiah 56:7

P-ayer Ideas: Today & tomorrow we ask you to worship the L. Draw near to G*d. Resist the devil and he will flee from us. Then p-ay for the following subjects for yourself and Ms in your town, region, country or world:

  • Where there is pride--humility: P-ay:"L, root out any pride within me concerning my attitudes concerning Ms. Liberate Ms in Kondoa from rel!g!ious pride. Bring us all to humility before you. " Proverbs 8:13, 16:18, 29:23

  • Where there is rel!g!ousness-relationship: P-ay: "L, help me not to be rel!g!ous but to actually live and walk with you. Help Ms to come to know you and not simply accomplish certain rel!g!ous activities" John 17:3

  • Where there is legalism--freedom: P-ay:"L, help me to walk in the freedom of your S. Help me to be someone who brings real liberty of the Sp!r!t to Ms." Matthew 7:3-5

  • Where there is suspicion--trust: P-ay: "May we as bel!evers be people who create trust so that Ms may believe and turn to the Mess!ah.: Acts 16:16

  • P-ay for the Rangi