Saturday, July 30, 2011

M woman from the village of Mondo

  • So much has happened during the last 20 years. G*d is at work using many different means to make Himself know among Ms. "30 Days" has played a part in raising awareness and promoting p-ay for Ms among bel=evers worldwide. Lots of things have happened:

  • Positively:

  • The numbr of ministries involving internet, radio, satellite televison and other media efforts directed toward M has exploded.

  • The amount of literature, CDs,DVDs, B!ble and downloadable resources that are available for Ms has increased very significantly.

  • The number of actual missys working in the M world has grown significantly.

  • Thousands of former Ms are proclaiming the Mess!ah to their peoples.

  • Also there are more p-ayer efforts toward the M world than ever before.We know more about M peoples than ever before (their demographics, their culture affinities, their history and the progress of the Gosp#l among them).

  • Efforts to establish bel=evers communities in all ethnic groups is becoming a reality.Ms are exposed to other cultures and religious beliefs more at present than at any point during the last 1,400 yrs.


  • M terrorists have become established in many places around the world. Their most famous attact on 9/11 shocked the whole world.

  • These attacks and others inspired two very difficult wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as many other military and police interventions across the whole world and positive and negative repercussions. Ms have not always been in agreement with the "war against terrorism". Some situations are very complex.

  • More Isl--c television, internet, radio and other media is available now more than ever before.

  • The number of Ms and mosq**s in more Western countries has grown significantly.

  • The Isl--c presence in Europe and in Western countries in general has become a menace for many nations. The largely secular societies in Western countries have difficulties knowing how to handle the increased Isl--mic presence. The fear of terrorism, the fear of the unknown, as well as, prejudice and bigotry towards Ms have grown in most Wetern countries.

P-ay for the Rangi

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