Sunday, January 29, 2012

Form VI Girls at Kondoa Girl's High School

These are some of the Form VI girls at Kondoa Girl's High School. Because of Lottie Moon Christmas offerings we were able to give each of the Form VI girls, in Nan's Bible study, a Bible for graduation. There were 68 girls who received Bibles last week. The Form VI will begin their national exams next week, February 8th, then will be finished and return to their homes. Form V will begin their tests after the Form VI leave. Please pray for these girls and for their exams. The results of the exams will determine if and where they will go on to a university next fall.

Nan has been with these girls now for two years and they have been a joy to teach. These are the very top young ladies in the country and will one day hold positions of importance. Pray that the Bible teachings they have received will go with them, where every God leads them.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Terry teaching

Terry has been teaching through John and today used John 7:37-39. He used the clay pot as an example of the water pot and that J is the life-giving water.

" Whoever is thirsty should come to me and drink." "...Whoever believes in me, streams of life-giving water will pour out from his heart."

We have had really good rains since the first of November. Over 8 inches in November and over 12 in December and we are still having rains this month. Thank you for pr-ying for the rains, continue to p that they will continue.