Things seem to move slowly here, we must wait for invitations to begin small groups. There is a Kiswahili saying, Karibu Tupo (Kaa-ree-boo Two-po), which actually means, you are very wecome here. It is a stronger welcome than just Karibu and we just haven't heard that here in Kondoa. The people are warm and friendly, but for the most part still not that open to us. We did go to a village during October and teach about the biogas generator, solar cooking, grain storage and water purification, but it wasn't among our people group. Both Terry & Nan taugh from scriptures before they taught about having a better life here on earth.
Terry used scriptures from Ecclesiastes chapter 1 and then chapter 12: 13-14, "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret things, whether it is good or whether it is evil." We had a good day and were thankful for the opportunity to teach.
We ask that you pr-yerfully consider what God would have to give during the Lottie Moon Christmas offering time. Because of shortfalls in recent years there are fewer new missionaries coming to the fields. People are lost and dying without a hope for an eternity without Christ. Your entire LM offering goes to missionaries on the fields, around the world our budgets are being cut for 2010. Your missionaries are on the fields to share Christ everywhere we go, we are committed to doing that and we not only need your LM offerings, but your continued prayers.
We would love to hear from you, emails or letters. Thanks again for your continued support.