Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rascal and Sister

Thank you for praying for us as we went to get Sister (on the right) and Rascal (on the left). We had an eventful trip, poor Rascal got sick 5 times in the car and we had a flat tire in a forest reserve area with lots of tsetse flies. Terry had to change the tire while Nan stayed inside with the dogs. We were very thankful we had lots of Off outdoors bug spray in the car and we gave Terry a very through coating before he got out of the car. We were thankful neither dog tried to jump out of the car when it stopped and a door was opened. We took a short cut which cut off about 3 hours, but still the trip, with flat a short lunch break and buying gas, took us 6 hours. As you can see both dogs seem to be settling in well at their new home.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finished Work

The fence is done, gate is hung and painted, and concrete is poured all along the base of the chainlink. Now we can go get our dogs, Sister and Rascal, who are in Shinyanga. We will leave on Monday morning, April 20th. Please pray for us as we travel with two grown German Shepherd/Rottweller dogs, who have only been in a car once before in their lives and that was when they were puppies and they came to Shinyanga. We plan to return on Tuesday, the 21st. We will be traveling a different route this trip, over the mountains, but much shorter for us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Building a fence

These are the men building the fence for us, on the left is Maguru (Maa-goo-roo), center is Michael and right is Mwamedi (Waa-may-dee). Please pray for these men as they work for us, for Maguru, because we know he has a drinking problem, Mwamedi is very young and Michael is more the leader. Pray for us as we have opportunities to share with them why we are in Kondoa. The fence is coming along nicely, maybe by Friday, April 10th they will be finished with the wire and the only thing left will be to put up the gate.

We have had good rains this week and we thank God for His blessings. We see many people planting and Nan even got out this week and fixed a little plot and planted broccoli. Since we have a small yard, people can see from every direction, they see Terry working with the men building the fence and Nan in her garden. That just makes us more accessible to our neighbors as we work and greet them. Continue to pray for those persons of peace and for opportunities to share Jesus "where ever we are going".